Nebraska Research Days Judges Volunteer Form 2025

April 15 - 16, 2025 | Nebraska Union

We are seeking judges for the 2025 Nebraska Research Days. Poster presentations will be presented on April 15-16. Judges will be assigned up to 4-6 research presentations to evaluate with a provided rubric and score sheet. 

Undergraduate Sessions will be held 10am-12pm each day.  Graduate Presentations will be held from 3-5 pm each day.  Engineering and Physical Sciences from present on Tuesday April 15th and all other fields will present on Wednesday April 16th. Judges will be provided with the schedule and instructions in advance for the event.

By volunteering, you agree that you will attend the event to discuss the students' research with them and view their poster/presentation.

Each day will feature separate disciplines with the poster session held in person in the Nebraska Union.  Undergraduate sessions will be in the morning and graduate sessions in the afternoon.  Please plan to sign up for days/times that match your area(s) of expertise so that students may be judged by those in their field or a closely related field.  Please note that Faculty and Postdocs may judge undergraduate or graduate posters.  Graduate Students may only judge undergraduate posters.

  • April 15: Engineering and Physical Sciences
  • April 16: Arts and Humanities, Education, Business, Social Sciences, Life Sciences
*Please note that physical sciences will include Chemistry, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Mathematics, Physics, and Statistics.
Feel free to contact Kali Patterson at if you have any questions about the undergraduate session or Lisa Rohde at for the graduate session.

* Role
* I am able to judge the following participants:
* I agree to attend the event and speak with my assigned presenters and submit my ratings by Friday April 18.
Would you be interested in helping with reviewing undergraduate UCARE proposals this March 2025?

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